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Our Services

ELOHIM is a transitional housing services and support organization for many types of people, including men and women with and without children, Veterans, persons with addictions and those with mental disorders. Our properties are all certified with the Pennsylvania Alliance of Recovery Residences (PARR) and we work with a wide range of community partners to fulfill our mission. We provide many types of services, including the following: 

Transitional Housing 

We provide transitional housing, which refers to a supportive – yet temporary – type of accommodation that is meant to bridge the gap from homelessness to permanent housing by offering structure, supervision, support (for addictions and mental health, for instance), life skills, and in some cases, education and training. Transitional housing provides temporary housing for the certain segments of the homeless population, including working homeless making insufficient wages who have trouble affording long-term housing, and is set up to transition residents into permanent, affordable housing. 

Permanent Supportive Housing

Our Permanent Supportive Housing  Program is designed to help eligible people find a permanent home and also get local mental health services but only if and when they need that help. We want to boost people's power to choose their own living arrangements and get services that are flexible based upon the support they need at any given time. We attempt to maintain a stock of permanent housing in which to place transitioning individuals and families. Where there is no stock available, we make referrals.

Homeless Shelter 

Our homeless shelter provides temporary residence for homeless individuals and families. Our shelter exists to provide residents with safety and protection from exposure to the weather while simultaneously reducing the environmental impact on the community. Extreme weather conditions create problems similar to disaster management scenarios, and are handled with warming centers, which typically operate for short durations during adverse weather.

Case Management  

Within 24 hours of intake/readmission each guest will meet with an onsite Case Manager to identify:

Personal Recovery Plan objectives;  develop appropriate interventions and a complete “needs assessment” which will be the basis for first phase of initial recovery plan. 

Mental Health Assessment  

Immediate referrals are made for all consumers for MH/ D&A Assessment upon intake.

Intensive Outpatient Referrals

ELOHIM has partnered with many providers throughout the city over the years to augment on site services.

Personal Identification Provisions  

As a part of case management, we help participants in obtaining current identification for purposes of treatment and access to necessary services.

Department of Public Welfare Advocacy  

Upon intake all participants are assessed for initial or continued eligibility of DPW. This as means of supporting participants in honoring financial agreements and obtaining needed medical/ MH or other DPW services for which they are eligible. 

Judicial Advocacy

We offer residency verification letters and or progress reports to appropriate agencies/courts as needed. In certain cases, ELOHIM staff may appear to advocate for participants in such proceedings 

In House Education 

ELOHIM curriculum addresses common peer driven themes including navigation of legal system, identifying and gaining access to resources, money management and financial planning, cleaning up wreckage thereof, healthy lifestyles and lessons on food selection and preparation.  

Medication Monitoring 

We facilitate MMS to support participants with medication compliance. 

Meal Provisions

We facilitate collective buying of participant's food and provide meals.


Transportation is available for participants to attend off-site programming. This includes 12 step meetings, Intensive Outpatient, Community Service or Religious Services. Transportation for individual appointments, retrieving personal belongings, or other legitimate activities may be available on case by case basis.

Personal Hygiene 

As needed, we provide a free service of supplying basic hygiene items to participants lacking outside resources. This is also as means of supporting ADL. 

Therapuetic Recreation

As means of teambuilding, physical fitness, and stress management we hold regular games, activities and field trips for participants. We specialize in Brazilian Jui Jitsu, which has a lot of benefits, including the physical ones, such as losing weight, improved flexibility, increased strength and getting in better shape.

Laundry Facilities

Washer/dryers are available to our guests free of charge in all of our residential properties at designated times and days.

Community Service

As our community service policy states, regular community services opportunities are provided for all guests to develop sense of outer directedness and satisfy any outside obligations. Guests are encouraged to seek and introduce such opportunities to the program community at large.

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Auxillary Services

We provide these additional services as well:


  • Online Access & Services

  • Consumer Recognition

  • Participation with Community Partners

  • Life Skills Training

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